We find ourselves in a time of profound hardship, both for our fellow Iranians and for ourselves. As the families of victims of the Islamic Regime of Iran since 1979, we have long sought justice, yet it remains elusive. Now, as Iranians rise to reclaim their stolen rights and demand justice for the loss of their loved ones, we stand firmly beside them, united in our quest for justice for our murdered family members. We aim to lay bare the atrocities committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran before an impartial court and to see those responsible held to account. The cycle of impunity must end.
It is evident that as long as the murderous regime of the Islamic Republic persists, true justice will remain out of reach for us and other victim families. We are acutely aware that our loved ones will never return, but the longer the mullahs’ brutal regime endures, the more lives will be taken in the name of freedom and patriotism. We recognize that Iran—more than just a piece of land, but the collective soul of its people—will never be truly free as long as a fair and just judiciary, rooted in the will of the people, is absent. As we work toward the overthrow of this criminal regime, we also strive to establish a court where the rights of our loved ones can be pursued and justice for our irreplaceable loss can be achieved. We believe that our chosen path will preserve the pure memory and legacy of our loved ones, heralding a new era of justice and bringing an end to the vicious cycle of impunity and bloodshed.
We, the victim families whose loved ones were murdered by the Islamic regime for the “crime” of dissent over the past 43 years, demand the establishment of a judicial system that is entirely independent of the political apparatus once this regime has been overthrown. This system must conduct legal proceedings on our native soil in strict adherence to the legal and judicial principles upheld by international courts. Our demand is not a novel one; it echoes the calls made by our enlightened compatriots during the Persian Constitutional Revolution: the creation of a judiciary that stands as an independent pillar, unaffected by the future political structure.
Our aspiration is not to establish a government or to attain political power. As citizens, we pursue the creation of a democratic judiciary that operates independently from both the executive and legislative branches. Indeed, as victim families, we raise our voices to call for the establishment of an autonomous prosecutorial and judicial institution for Iran. We are convinced that achieving this goal will mark a monumental step in the defense of the rights and dignity of Iranians, leaving an indelible mark on our nation’s political history. We hold steadfast in our belief that our cries and those of all the mourners in this land will be heard. We remain hopeful for the triumph of the Iranian revolution and the realization of justice in our homeland.